Sweet Deeds Foundation

Following years of involvement with Girl Guides and Icing Smiles at our shows in Canada and the United States, Canada’s Baking and Sweets has undertaken the establishment of their own non-profit organization, Sweet Deeds Foundation.

We have seen the joy and happiness that’s been generated amongst those attending and those participating at Canada’s Baking and Sweets Show throughout the years. So imagine if we went out into the community and found ways to spread that joy, to guide the not so fortunate into a, never before imagined, unique career path.

Even if we could make a little bit of a difference in someone’s life – it would be worth it.


"This Foundation has been created to promote greater civic engagement and community development by empowering leadership to pursue baking and confectionery culinary arts, providing a path for seeking higher education and learning in this exciting career path.”

Canada’s Baking and Sweets Show will have announcements with regards to the Sweet Deeds Foundation.

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